You can read the article
here. and the previous weeks article on
here.Here are a few of the comments left on the Tribune website:
The cover illustration on Sunday's The Mix (Tribune, Sept. 14) of a woman in black underwear looking over a mountain lake was in poor taste and racy, but perhaps the latter is what you meant it to be. I would have preferred to see just the landscape.
Laura Banks
Salt Lake City
Don't ever leave Utah Laura, you will see things that will shrivel your hyper-sensitive sense of decency, like a raisin. The last out of state city that I spent time in had sex toys in streetside windows. Really. Not one person burst into flames as they walked past these places either. Most pointed, made a joke and walked on. Me? I went shopping. -skiinjohn
I'm sorry you had to see such a hideous sight as a woman in underwear. Shocking, I say, shocking. -KingM
That is why I read the NEWSpaper online so I do not
have to look at the pictures. -Merlot P
I can't help but wonder if those that are so offended by the human body are also completely in favor of sending people off to iraq to be shot and shoot others. perhaps you would have felt better about the model if she was holding an m16 and standing over the body of a dead terrorist? -mjohnson801
It's amazing how shallow people can be! I am floored! Sex sells? So let's all just be drones and buy into it because we have nothing better to do than feed on such disgusting waste. Actually, I do spend most of my time at home, with friends, in the great outdoors, not watching TV. That's the only way to keep one's intelligence anymore. My kids like to look through the paper and find fun pictures to cut out, I found myself promptly tearing out that picture because I didn't feel that I should have to explain to my six and five year old why the lady wasn't wearing any clothes. I don't consider it a privilege, either, to be an adult, and "allowed" to look and get my jollies off it. If I want racy, gross pictures, I'll buy them by choice. I didn't subscribe to the paper with the understanding that I would have to protect my children from it. I do believe that I will unsubscribe, and our family will now be completely out of touch. Something I do not believe I would mourn too much. You all have a grand time with it, though. -shavidaria
Did any of you commenters or Laura even see or read the ARTICLE about the picture? It was explained in the first paragraph printed right on top of the picture. The first page of the Arts section was a copy of a piece of art showing a woman in black underwear with a paint roller covering up a landscape painting. The article was about an exhibit that juxtaposes Utah artists' overwhelming use of landscape with art that might make a statement or make people think or feel uncomfortable about mass-produced art. Looks like it accomplished it's purpose. -lsilvester
A 50s pinup-attired woman has you all bothered? As in hot and . . . or just bothered. It is a painting for bloody sakes. ART. Not great art, but I am not forced to buy it for my front room, either. After her letter, I had pictured something from Victoria Secret's fall preview, not my mom in her garters and granny undies. -Desert48
You can find this painting, among the other 12,